
The Bosch Community Fund 

The Bosch Community Fund is the corporate foundation for Bosch in North America. The Fund has awarded more than $28 million in grants to various 501(c)(3) organizations and educational institutions in over 45 Bosch site locations. Established in 2011, the Bosch Community Fund focuses primarily on the enrichment of science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) education, the advancement of environmental sustainability initiatives and eco+STEM, a cross-section of the two.

Program Mission

The Bosch Eco and STEM Teacher (BEST) Grant Program advances sustainability and STEM education in ways that inspire, excite, and engage students. 


To be eligible to apply for a BEST Teacher grant, you must be a P-12 Educator in one of the the following school districts:



North Carolina:

South Carolina:

Areas of Funding 

Programs and projects seeking BEST Teacher Grant funding must addess a sustainability and/or STEM topic. Applications should seek to provide innovative, interactive, inquiry-based learning experiences in one or more of these content areas.

Funds provided by the BEST Teacher Grant program CAN be used for: 

Funds provided by the BEST Teacher Grant Program CANNOT be used for:

Please note that some districts work with specific technology vendors, and may require you to make purchases specifically from these vendors. Please check whether your district has such requirements before compiling your budget.

Grant Cycle

The BEST Grant Program follows an annual cycle: applications open at the beginning of the school year and funds are disbursed the following January. Awardees complete their BEST Teacher Grant projects during the rest of the school year, submitting a report to the Bosch Community Fund in by the end of June. 

Application Process

Selection Process

Grantee Expectations

If you have questions about the BEST Teacher Grant Program, please visit the FAQ page. Please contact our team at for further information.